Whisper's Sanctuary

Located in the beautiful Canelo Hills of Southern Arizona, Whisper’s Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit permanent home for animals in need. Current residents include horses, donkeys, mules, geese, cats and one goat. Begun in 2005, the Sanctuary is now home to over 40 animals who were unwanted, previously abused/neglected, or retired from public service. We greatly appreciate your support. Please consider visiting and experiencing the beauty of the Sanctuary and the peaceful presence of the residents.
Motivated by witnessing the misfortunes of abused animals, and the uncertain plight of horses sent to auction, we are dedicated to offering an alternative solution for unwanted animals, or those whose owners can no longer care for them. We provide animals a place to live out their days in peace, surrounded by beauty, companionship, and love.
The Ranch is comprised of 26 acres in Elgin, Arizona at an elevation of 5100 ft., surrounded by the Coronado National Forest. The views are endless, as are the dreams inspired by providing a safe haven for animals in need.
Donations and Volunteering
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your donations are tax-deductible. We send confirmation letter to donors for use when filing your income taxes.
We participate in online shopping programs through igive.com, Goodshop.com, Amazon Smile, and Rakuten. If you shop online and register the Sanctuary as your charity of choice these organizations will donate a percentage of your purchase amount, at no cost to you.
* www.Igive.com: register Whisper’s Sanctuary as your charity, then order online from hundreds of stores, and we receive a donation at no cost to you! Go to Igive.com
* If you shop Amazon.com consider registering the Sanctuary as your charity through AmazonSmile. When you access AmazonSmile through Igive, the Sanctuary is eligible for double donations!
* If you search the internet, consider using www.goodsearch.com and registering the sanctuary as your charity of choice. They will donate a penny to the sanctuary for every search you do, at no cost to you! Good Search now offers a donation program for online shopping! Help us out… visit Goodsearch
* You can also Goodshop for us! Register Whisper’s Sanctuary as your charity of choice, then start shopping and we receive donations at no cost to you! You can shop Country Supply (now Horse.com) through Goodshop and we receive a donation!